Halloween Monster Burger with Mushroom Patties

Halloween Monster Burger with Mushroom Patties

This isn't just a monster burger in size, it's literally a monster. It's up to you if you're scared or laughing, either way, you'll enjoy eating this monster.


Servings: 2

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes

Cook Time: 20-30 minutes



1 box Shroomeats Mushroom Patties

2 sesame burger buns

2 tbsp hamburger seasoning

1-2 tbsp cooking oil

4 slices of preferred white cheese

1 Roma tomato sliced

4 slices of stacker pickles (cut lengthwise)

2 Romaine leaves

2-4 tbsp ketchup

2 tbsp mayonnaise 

4 large green olives (2 for each burger)

4 toothpicks (1 for each olive)



  1. Prep burger toppings: Cut triangles in cheese slices to look like teeth, and set aside. Cut romaine leaves to fit the burger bun. Stick one large olive onto each toothpick and set aside.
  2. Heat oil in a pan on medium heat, toast buns until golden, and set aside.
  3. In the same pan, add Mushroom Patties and hamburger seasoning, saute for 4-6 minutes until browned, flip and repeat.
  4. Assemble your Monster Burger: Take the bun base and spread mayonnaise, layer lettuce, Mushroom Patty, top with pickle and slice of cheese so it looks like a tongue sticking out of teeth. Then spread ketchup (to resemble blood) and cover with top bun. Add the toothpicks with green olives on top to look like eyes. Have fun and enjoy!



**Image and Recipe (minus the patty) credit to Happy Food Stube

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